** A post back from my old study abroad blog in March 2016!

Though many have heard of Swiss fondue, less know about the rules that come with it! Here’s my guide to an optimal fondue experience:

Do: stab all the way through that bread! It will need to withstand both heavy cheese and occasional sabotage attempts by friends. Take extra caution with potatoes as these are far more slippery…

Don’t: drop it! Here we have the most essential rule. If you fail you face the consequences:

1st time: Sing a song!

2nd time: Dance an embarrassing dance in front of the entire room

3rd time: Kiss the person to your left!

4th time: Maybe review the first “do”…

These appear to be the most traditional and widespread rules, but there are also many interesting and creative variations to try.

Do: invent rules to make it more challenging! For example, we would need to make figure 8’s before successfully retrieving the bread. This increased the drop-rate very quickly.

Don’t: let other people knock that bread off your fork; fight back!

Do: use a palette cleanser! The constant taste of cheese can get old pretty quick. I recommend fruits such as peaches or pears.

Don’t: attempt to use five forks at once. It won’t end well.

Maybe: eat the burnt cheese out of the bottom of the bowl? This is quite popular but I still find it a little gross. Somehow the fact that this part is called “die Grossmutter/the grandma” doesn’t make it any more appetizing.

Well, now you know everything you need to be a true Fondue-Profi. Best of luck and en Guete!

Die Grossmutter
